Tokyo, Chiba, Saitama, Kanagawa Prefectures, along with the Island of Hokkaido, officially cancelled the “State of Emergency” on 26 May. This means that the entire country of Japan is now out of the State of Emergency, and many facilities that have been closed will be slowly opening once more.

In regards with Tokyo, there have been 4 steps out in place and each step has a length of approx. 2 – 3 weeks each. After each step has been completed, more and more facilities, gyms, live events, etc will be cleared for opening.

People living in Tokyo have still been asked to work from home as much as possible until 18 June.

Large events are also included in the 1- 4 steps. From 19 June, events up to 1000 people will be allowed. From 10 July, events up to 5000 people will be allowed. From 1 August, the number of people equivalent to half the capacity of any stadium / concert hall will be allowed.



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